
Can i start a business without having it trademarked first?

by  |  earlier

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How is that possiable.? what if someone else steals our business name before we can get it legal.... please help





  1. I am into a part time business which allows you to create residual income.It works on Private Franchising in the dot com world concept. You can earn royal income for atleast next 3 generations. We are expanding this business as of now and would like to give you an opportunity. Let me give you some facts about the company:

    Its a $6.8-billion company and holds 700 patents on their product lines

    Its 50yrs old in the business

    It is the number-one online retailer in the Health & Beauty category based on sales, and 22nd among all e-commerce sites, according to Internet Retailer magazine’s “Top 500 Guide.” They are present in more than 80 countries. Atleast 12000 people get into this business "EVERY DAY'.

    If you think you can go that extra mile to fulfill your dreams and do small things big time, write to me at Do mention your location, like country and city.

  2. I don't know where you live, but in Canada, you just need to register your name in the province you live in. Once its registered, no one can operate under that name.

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