
Can i start surfing on a mini-mal or a fun shape board?

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Really dont want to start on a frekin softboard or a longboard, im a quick learner and have great balance used to skate as in skateboard, im 6'3 so maybe my height will be a problem? thanks dudes




  1. I recommend you to star with a fish board.

    Also check this video, it might give you a clear idea.

  2. You need a board that will float you well enough for you to take off (paddle and catch a wave). Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good internediate length boards to learn on, funshapes, mini-mals and some hybrids. If you understand the link Ozcar sent you about fish, you will probaly realize that a fish is about the worst design to try to learn on. Your weight has much, much more to do with choosing the right board than does your height. You can always trade in a board and buy a new one when you are ready for a change (or keep your long board. I bought a new long board about 6/7 years ago, and, like I said, there are some days that it's the perfect board for the conditions).

    There are good things about both long and short boards. I ride both (one at a time , of course). In the mid sixties, like almost everybody else, I started on a longboard. I went shorter and shorter every summer, during the 'short board revolution.' I have found some days that were just too small anything but a longboard. Just riding one size board is very limiting, conditions change daily in most places.

    There are no RULES for learning how to surf. Go to a good local surf shop and talk to the surfers there. They will give you good advice for what works in the local breaks you will be riding.

    Learning to surf is more than just standing up on a surfboard. If you are going to surf, you should be a competent ocean swimmer. Not just good in a pool, but able to swim in the surf, and when the undertow and rips are strong. I have seen lots of good pool swimmers get rescued.

    Once you get that far, I would recommend some surf lessons. Go to a REAL surf shop (not a bathing suit store that sells some surfboards). The folks there will rent you a board and hook you up with some lessons. If you are fairly athletic with okay balance, you will learn how to stand up fairly easily. Much more important, is for you to learn surf etiquette. A good instructor will make sure you understand the "rules" so that everybody else in the water doesn't want to kill you before you get good at surfing.

    I have been surfing for 42 years, and I ride both long and short boards, once you learn (properly) you will have fun for life.

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