
Can i still Become Airforce Special Ops, Marine Corps Recon, or even Border Patrol with a drug backround??

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i experimented with drugs in my highschool days, but have totally turned my life around. i used cocaine,X,weed,acid and anabolic steroids only experimented tho...if i cannot get into any of these jobs can i still get into any goverment job? or did i s***w my life up during my teenage years..can someone please help me :(




  1. IF you have a record and been convicted you will want to rethink  your job choices.

  2. I know with a criminal background of any kind, the AF will not give you security clearance. you will have a hard time getting desired jobs. (unless the charge was when you were a minor)

  3. Sorry, you are S.O.L.

  4. If there is no justifiable record that you experimented with drugs, not nessecarily meaning that you have no dirty record, then don't mention it to your Recruiter.  You are entitled the 5th Amendment, no self discrimination.  Why I mention this because you will be required to be able to obtain a Security Clearance if you have ambition to try-out for any Special Operations Forces in the Armed Forces.  They have agents that will go to each place you have ever lived in the past and will interview all your teachers, parents, family, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and pets that you have ever socialized throughout your entire existences, whoever is available.  They want to know your characterization, influences, submissions, and financial stability.  If there is anything on your credit report that shows any debts.  You should fix that before considering enrollment to any SOF unit.  Having any type of drug or criminal waivers will not be accepted either.  This is why you don't give away any information to your Recruiter if there is no proof in existence that shown you experimented with drugs, he'll have to document it even though you don't need a drug waiver.  Those waivers are for if you did have a background stating that you were arrested over drugs.  If you have a criminal record period will disqualify, regarless of a past drug conviction or not.

  5. The only guy who can tell you for certain is the recruiter.  There are waivers for many things...depending on the situation, this could be one of them.  If you're running clean, there's a chance you'll have a shot.  

    Above all else, BE HONEST!  If you get in on a lie and get caught later, you'll be lucky just to get booted.  

  6. h**l NOPE! LOL

  7. didnt your recruiter tell you anything??? At meps, its ALWAYS No, Never, and None!!!

    Update:  "I Joke I Joke" haha

  8. Absolutely NOT. Don’t even waste your time with any state or federal law enforcement agencies.  

  9. Big difference between using and getting caught.

    Were you ever convicted of trafficking, selling or using any of these drugs?

    As long as you are medically qualified, have nothing on your record, are honest with the recruiters, can pass the ASVAB, and are physically fit, you have a chance!

    Your best bet is to hit the recruiters at the end of the month.  This is when their missions are coming to a close.  Each recruiting station gets so many waivers for education and drug use.  You might have to work harder to get in, but you should give it a shot!  Especially if its your desire!

    Please dont list AF Special Ops next to Marine Corps Force Recon.  That is like comparing the NFL to your JV football team!  

    Again, BE HONEST.  After working at a District HQ for Recruiting for 4 years, the biggest fault I could see about not making it in was lying to the recruiter or the MEPS station!  EDIT  Baam, you couldnt be MORE wrong!  I had to do so many investigations on recruiters that tried to take that chance!  Its NOT worth it!  If the kid's record is clean and he was just a user, he has a solid chance!

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