
Can i still be preggers?

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i stoped takin my birth control at the beining of the month and had unprotected ex with my fiance and now im a week and 1 day late and i hve taken 2 test can i still be pregnant? i have some signs like sore breast,headaches nausea,and i pee alot could i be?how much longer should i wait to take another test?help




  1. no-- if the test was negative then its a for sure no. they cant defect, only saying you ARE pregnant. AND NEXT TIME USE A FREAKIN CONDOM!!

  2. LOL, preggers

  3. Actually tests are more common to have a false negitive rather than a false positive.

    The only sure fire way to find out if you are pregnant is to get blood work done by your doc.

    Good Luck!

  4. I conceived my son the fist month I went off the pill.  You have all the classic signs, you just may not have enough of the preg. hormone in your system yet.  Your body though could also be trying to regulate itself after being taken off the pill.  I would wait a week and try again, good luck.

  5. Do a blood test in day or two.  that should detect whether or not you are pregg.

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