
Can i still be pregnant if the home test says negative?

by  |  earlier

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i have not missed my period yet. its due this week, but the home preggo test says negative. i have been really tired, really hungry and i feel hot all the time.

wat do u think??




  1. theres always a chance, and home pregnancy tests aren't always accurate.

    so, wait and see if you miss your period, if you do get another test.

  2. ya home tests always have a possibility of being wrong. you could still be pregnant.

  3. yea.

    when my mom took her first preg. test it came up negative, yet here i am.

  4. If you tested too soon, the negative result may not be the true result. You just might not have enough of the pregnancy hormone in your system to be picked up by the test.

    Wait another week and test again.

  5. You could be. Wait and see if you get your period, if not, take another test. If it is still negative call a dr or planned parenthood.

  6. yeah its possible.

  7. you could still be pregnant because you most likely tested to early.  wait till your period is due, then test again.  if it is negative that time- i believe you are off the hook.

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