
Can i still get financial aid if not what else can i do to continue my college course?? help?

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i went to a university rather than a community college (big mistake!). the uni was expensive and was basically more than what me and my single mother could afford. we both have bad credit. we took unsubsidized loans to help us out for school because we couldnt afford regular loans. i failed about 5 courses and they stopped giving me financial aid..i wanna go back but im not rich enuff to pay $5,000 cash for a semester. is this the end of the road for me? i only obtained 48 credits, and about 12 of those arent going to graduate cuz there basic courses..i own 7,000 in loans. if i pay can i get financial aid again? can i go 2 community college and do i have to get loans or apply for financial aid too? if so, i wont be able to get it since they stopped giving me financial aid right?please help im 23 years old i had my heart set for college since i got my ged and i wanna continue 2 go to there any hope or am i forever stuck as an uneducated american working at poverty level




  1. Usually community colleges are MUCH less expensive than major universities, and another bonus is that you can take as many or as few courses as you like. You should be able to afford just one or two courses a semester. I managed to get my AA degree this way, simply by taking a couple of courses at a time.

    You may not need to get finacial aid to go, but you should pay the loans back. Use this as a learning lesson and don't get the loans again.

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