
Can i still get headshots even though i have braces?

by Guest55779  |  earlier

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i am a 14 year old girl and my mom said i could finally get headshots but that was right after i got braces uggggggggggggg they are silver now so its harder to notice so what should i do?




  1. The braces will always be proof of the age you are and you will later enjoy looking at the pictures.  Go ahead and do it. Braces are normal and a part of life.  It is your personality that comes through in head shots not braces.

  2. Yes. Your head shots are supposed to be representative of YOU. If you're going to have braces for a few years and you're going to be acting for a few years - then get the shots with your braces. The last thing casting directors want is to look at a picture and then meet a completely different looking person. They pick you because of your picture first, then meet the real person.   Something unique like that might land you a role that someone WITHOUT braces couldn't. Use it to your advantage!

  3. You could take the time of braces and improve the needed about you. So if you don't have the best skin get into a better habit of washing your face, if you want to improve your acting/modeling/singing then take classes to improve that while you wait...

    Or you can take the headshots! Just remember that when you get them off you must take new ones, because your headshots must always look like you: hair color, hair cut (if you cut it all off), braces/no braces, weight changes...anything that would make you look in anyway different than the way you look in your pictures!

    (if you do take the headshots do some with your mouth shut smiling and some with a regular teeth smile - Tip from an answer I read before!)

    Break A Leg - Good Luck!!

  4. If the braces are going to be on for a couple of years then go ahead....If not, then wait till they come off. My agent says that kids with braces have a harder time getting cast at times.  Directors have to be looking for that look....

  5. dont be ashamed. i used to have braces and i got 2 photo shoots. just to let you know, im Rob Dyrdeck from the show rob and big on mtv(2)not lying i really am.

  6. Yes, My friend, Sadie (on fried Dynimate), did and me, too. They're not that bad.

  7. yeah. it didn't stop me. some (big time)casting directors,  will turn you away until you get them off, and ask for another picture later, but that shows intrest and gets you into their heads.

    oh, and braces aren't that bad, besides the pain. just think. in a couple of years, you'll have beautiful straight teeth.

  8. Depends how long u going to have them on...

  9. braces are still a part of who you are.  depending on how long you'll have em on and when you need the headshots for certain things--people can look past braces.  it really doesn't matter

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