
Can i still play community college basketball and make it to the pro?

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  1. if your good then big schools would recruit you.

  2. Yes, as Noah H pointed out, there are guys that have done it before.  Also, Chris Andersen did it as well, not to mention the guys who went straight from high school.  Here's the issue:  you have to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make it.  Andersen played in the D-league for two years, Kemp might have gone undrafted beause of his background, and Ron Anderson (one of my favorite players from the 80's for the sixers) worked as a janitor.  You can't just show up as a jump shooter or dunker in the league and expect a contract.  That said, if you can make the sacrifices and continue to improve, it has happened before so who's to say you're not the next?

    Post some of your games so we can see you play.  I won't dog you and will give you an honest critique.  I think most others would do the same.

  3. Aboslutely.  It happens more often than you would think.  

    Shawn Kemp - Trinity Valley Community College

    Stephen Jackson - Butler Community College

    Qyntel Woods and Dontae Jones - Northeast Mississippi C.C.

    To name a few . . .  

  4. Your best chance is to impress Division I scouts during your first year at a community college then transfer out. Otherwise, you would have a fairly tough time going from comm. college to NBA.

  5. after you transfer out

  6. Your best chance to go pro from a community college is to transfer to a 4 year university after you played 2 years at a junior college or community college. My friend did that and is now playing international basketball and making over $70,000 a year. There are a lot of open spots now and the NBA isn't the only option anymore.

  7. h**l naw

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