
Can i still play football that is in 2 weeks if i just got my wisdom teeth remove today?

by Guest59233  |  earlier

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can i lfit wieghts also?




  1. yes you will be fine after 5 days!

  2. NO! dont go to football after 2 weeks! it takes a while to heal, and the cuts in your gums may still be open. playing football and weightlifting may strain you mouth and open up the sutures.. its better to have it 100% heals than having it open up and cause more pain!

  3. No. You actually can't do any strenuous activities until the bleeding has completely stopped and the holes are almost closed.

    it takes a really long time for them to close.

    you CAN lift and exercise, but it will rip open the gums and bleed REGARDLESS if you are moving/exercising your face lol.

    My friend just got his taken out, he's a football buff too. He works out everyday, he did that and he called me and told me his gums ripped open. the longer it's sealed and healing the faster it will heal.

    Sorry kiddo, i know football season is coming up too. i had to miss a part of track season.

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