
Can i still swim when i am having my period?

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my period is ending in fact,it's the last day,and i need to go for swimming class tomorrow.i don't have a tampon so should i still swim?




  1. get a tampon.  you should be fine but Its kind of gross for everyone else.

  2. with a tampon but dont use a pad

  3. You should get a tampon. It would be really embarrassing to bleed in the water...

  4. you should not use a pad, but you should get a tampon if you are going to go swimming. even if it is your last day, when you move around, it flows heavier. so more may come.

  5. I guess but maybe you should wear shorts. I actuall have the same problem but I am going to the beach tommorow.

  6. You can go swimming any time you want, but will blood show after you get out of the water, that is the real question. Just make sure you have a tampon in place when you do swim. It should be a fresh one, so when you are going to swim put a tampon in before you put your swimming suit on.

  7. if its pretty light, yeah id say youre safe.=]

  8. you can't swim without a tampon to stop the bleed

    the first few times you use a tampon you're going to have to keep trying and throw out a couple of tampons you couldn't get in

    get the plastic ones (everyone loves the tampax pearl stuff but get playtex. TRUST me. tampax may be easier to insert but playtex is just as easy to insert and much easier to take out - you'll be glad you chose playtex)

    and they all come with a piece of paper with detailed instructions so don't worry about that part

    and i'm warning you, they also come in with the a piece of paper that says that you may get toxic shock (serious but veryyyy rare - i dont know anyone that has ever gotten it and all of my friends use tampons now)

    get a box of playtex tampons (the smallest size they have since it's your last day and your first time - for the first day when it's heavy you're going to want to use at least the regular size or you will ''leak'')

    then try to insert one - but don't practice taking it out just yet (when you take out the tampon when its ''dry'' - it will cause some discomfort which will NOT be there when it's ready to be taken out - give it at least a few hours or after your swimming class)

    if you don't feel comofrotable with a tampon then just don't go to class - they'll understand and it's not a big deal

  9. yehh if its your last day then sure! just get some tissue as sometimes the blood may run when you come out of the swimming pool.

  10. Go ahead and get a tampon, if you still even have a light flow you don't want to end up with blood down your legs.

  11. I wouldn't swim without a tampon...  Though, if it is the last day AND YOU ARE SURE OF IT, I might be willing to take the risk.  The chlorine in the pool will kill any bacteria you may have--if you're worried about others.

    But, if you're not sure if it is your last day, I'd ask a friend for a tampon!  It would be super embarassing to have it leak through!  Can you wear a pair of black shorts over your swimwuit just for the one day?  Or that would probably look silly.

    Good luck.. if you are willing to take the risk, go for it!


  12. if u feel its safe to tn yes, BUT just think.... is it better 2 b safe thn sorry ?

    do u wanna get picked on if things go rong x

  13. Without tampon - no.

  14. No

  15. in this case.. you'd probably get away with not wearing a tampon, but in the future.. buy a tampon!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. If you dont use anything then blood will be all in the pool, but if you use a pad it will get really big and most likely fall into the pool so you should just get a tampon from the store

  17. borrow a tampon from someone in the class.



  18. if it's the last day, then i say don't use a tampon cuz if it is light, the water will hold it in.

  19. I was told that you're period stops in water anyway, tampons are just like for hygiene and 'just in case' sort of thing.

    But I'm not sure that's true.

    You probably can still swim and no one will notice but it's kind of unhygienic..


  20. GOD NO

  21. Just don't swim in the ocean. Your blood trail may attract sharks!

  22. I would still wear a tampon if I were you.  Your period could end latter on this night like around midnight.  Plus just be courteous of others who are swimming in the same water as you.

    So just be patient.

  23. yes wear a tampon. water slows the flow.

  24. you can swim --it is better if you use a tampon to be on the safer side. after all it is a  pool so many others are their you are to see their interest and hygine also. you can not be so selfish

  25. it really depends

    if it is bearly coming out then maybe but if u can still really notice it go buy tampons

  26. yes, it won't leak in the water trust me, but when you come out thats when you have to be careful

  27. well if today is the last day then it should be no problem tomorrow.

    If you still have it tomorrow, get a tampon, if you do with out one then it will just go into the water. It wouldn't be very hygienic

  28. I live on an island and I swim everyday. I've found that blood just stops when you get in the water. I don't leave a "bloody trail" when I swim.

    I am unable to wear tampons because of a condition I have. And I have never had a problem with blood getting everywhere.

  29. No problem. Swimming while you're having your baby's trickier

  30. yes swimming is okay while youre on your period , you should really use a tampon because it is more sanitary,and u dont want to be embarrased by red water surrounding you, so hit the drug store and ger some TP"S and have a great swim

  31. Well, you have to ask yourself how you would feel if you knew that some other chick was swimming on her period without a tampon. Personally, I think its gross so I wouldnt do it.

    Tell me when you're at the I can stay out of it. =]

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