
Can i still train and fight in MMA (mixed martial arts) after an umbilical hernia surgery?

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Can i still train and fight in MMA (mixed martial arts) after an umbilical hernia surgery?




  1. The best place to get this advice is from the surgeon or your doctor, not yahoo answers, unless you post it in a section frequented by doctors.

    I had to wait a month after having a heital hernia surgery for any contact, but I was back training basics and kata after 3 days.

    Best advice is to go with your doctors recomendations, and listen to what your body tells you.

  2. Like train and fight tomorrow? Probably not.

    But later on after healing and recovering, most likely.

    Again as Katana said talk to your doctor. Like all surgeries, you will have to recover, but given that recovering time you should be able to.

    Most the time the only things preventing you from getting medically cleared would be heart, eye, or brain conditions in which fighting would put your health or life at serious risk.

    Though I thought umbilicial hernias generally happen in babys and children under 5, strange to have one as an adult.

    If you mean that you had one as a child, then yes most likely you would be cleared to fight.

    If you do have one now, and providing you aren't going to be missing some important organs or reducing their functionality, then yes probably after some time healing you would be able to fight.

    But again, Katana nailed it with asking your doctor.

  3. I think you should probably wait for MMA, so you don't tear anything again, so you don't have to go back to the hospital and spend more money on surgery. (If you had to spend more money on surgery, how would you be able to afford MMA? Surgery is so expensive!)

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