
Can i still use my big out door antenna next year????

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i am confused as h**l. I have a huge antenna dish out side in the yard... it is about 10 feet tall and about 10 feet wide. i can control the antenna in the house to to face an any 360 degree position. I currently only have analog TV's. So my question is do I have to discard my antenna? Or can i still use it? do I have to get new TV's or can I just get a converter box? It seams that every where i look i cannot find the answer?




  1. Keep the antenna it will come in handy when you buy the converter boxes or try to get over the air channels.

  2. If you have satellite you need to do nothing. If you are using an antenna you need a box to convert the the signal to analog as it will be broadcast in digital starting February 2008.

  3. The chances are that your big old antenna will keep working just fine.

    In North America, analog & digital broadcasts use the same antennas. Your only problem might be if you are only receiving VHF (analog channels 2-13). A lot of TV stations are playing musical chairs with their actual broadcast frequncies and a bunch of them are going to stay in the UHF band after 2/09.  

    UHF TV (analog channels 14-69) signals have a shorter maximum range than VHF ones.

    You can either get a converter box or a new TV; the tuners in the better model converters seem to be just as good as the best ones in  HDTVs.

    Since most areas already have digital broadcasts, I'd suggest you request a coupon now and buy a Zenith/Insignia converter when it comes in (~$20 after using the coupon).

    Hook it up between your antenna & TV and see what you get.

    Many TV stations are switching frequencies & power levels after 2/17/09, so some things will improve after the full power analog stations shut down.

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