
Can i still use my surround sound to watch tv even if i have a HDMI cable. But the S.S. works with my dvd.?

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Can i still use my surround sound to watch tv even if i have a HDMI cable. But the S.S. works with my dvd.?




  1. I'm not sure I understand the question -- the presence of an HDMI cable does not change your ability to listen to surround sound (s.s.) --  but the following may help.

    You can use your surround sound receiver/amp (le't call it "receiver") to produce s.s. from any program material connected to it via optical, digital coax or HDMI inputs.  The source switch on the receiver controls what input you hear.

    You presumably have your DVD player connected to the receiver now since you appear to have s.s. from DVD. I don't know how you have it connected, but presumably the audio goes by optical (or other) cable to the receiver, and the video goes either direct to the TV or through the receiver and to the TV.

    Now consider the TV sound. IF your TV has a suitable audio output you can connect it to an input on the receiver. If the TV audio is s.s. (many programs are only stereo) you will hear s.s. from the TV.

    As another option, if you use a cable or satellite tuner to provide the signal to your TV you may be able to feed s.s. audio to the receiver and only video to the TV.

    One final thought ... do you mean "HD cable" rather than "HDMI cable"? If so, no, in fact HD cable implies a cable receiver and as stated above you should be able to connect surround audio from the HD cable box to the receiver.

    I hope this helps.

  2. You would need another cable to enable TV surround.

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