
Can i stop a bid on ebay?

by Guest62940  |  earlier

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ok so if im putting up something up for bids and when the bid is over oor almost over, and i get low price, do i have to sell it




  1. You don't have to do anything until you're paid, but what you should have done was set a minimum bid, so unless that minimum was obtained, the auction would refresh and continue.

  2. It depends... most of the time you will be outbidded.  If you want to be on the save side just send them an email that says you didn't realize that you couldn't afford what you bidded on. :D

  3. You could contact the buyer and hopefully she/he will understand. If not, its a negative feedback I'm afraid. Next time make sure you start at the price you feel most comfortable with. (minimum price/reserved)

  4. Just contact the person and tell them you changed your mind. To prevent a possible reduction of feedback, an apology would be nice.

  5. no you do not, however you get bad feedback. You can also go to your item and end it early to no bidder or to the highest bidder, if your ending it to no bidder, you must give  areason why your ending it.

  6. Yes, you do. Or else you would be ripping off others. In my opinion Ebay sucks.

  7. Yes, or you risk getting kicked off of eBay. The auction is an actual binding contract between you and the bidder.

  8. i think u do if u didn't post it as reserve price

  9. yes. go here and click on "end my auction early form"

    but if you're auction is already over, contact and highest bidder and tell him the item is no longer for sale. most people are understanding because they get free feedback without paying a dime.  :)

  10. Yes.  But for future refrence you can either start the bid at a price you are comfortable with or you can also set a reserve that no one can see.  That way it doesnt sell unless you get the amount you want, no matter if there are bids or not.  Hope this helps.

  11. I'm pretty sure you don't have to but your feed back will go down.

  12. Yes, I think you are required to unless you put a minimum bid that you would accept.

  13. Only if you set a reserve price and it wasn't met, otherwise...if you just put it up with a starting bid with no reserve, then you are selling it to the highest bidder. You can not stop a bid.

  14. nope.  you cannot stop it just because it is selling for a low price.  you run the risk of things not selling for as much as you wanted in a bid.  next time, have a buy it now price, or put a reserve price on it.

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