
Can i stop the adoption of my son to my parents before its finalized?Im enrolled in school and trying.?

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I am 22 and approx. 6 months ago my husband of 4 years caught me cheating on him. In retaliation, he asked my mother and stepfather to keep our son who is 15 months old. My parents asked for temp.custody to be able to take him to the doctor,etc. We both agreed and signed. I was so depressed that i did nothing to change and be able to financially care for my child. My parents then hired a lawyer wanting to adopt my baby because neither my husband or myself were helping financially. Once again we agreed. Since, ive started to overcome the devastation and i want to better myself and get my baby back. I just started college classes and will graduate in a year or less with the good possibility of job. Im looking for a job and living out or motels thanks to a dear friend of mine or else i may be out on the streets. I know im not able to care for my son yet but im on the track to do so soon. My parents have a limited income and my stepfathers dissability would help,they say the state wont.




  1. wow

    well, first of all you need a your local legal aid and they can guide you in the right direction if they dont handle custody matters.

    can you talk with your parents ?

    have a good old fashioned talk with them and tell them you want your son, but you just need some more time to get everything situated in your life.

    if they wont agree to drop the adoption process, then I would get a job asap - there are plenty of temp agencies around who can usually get you right into a job

    dont quit school - keep that going

    and file a petition against your parents - its called a pettition to show cause and in this petition you can let the judge know that you signed the paper to your parents under duress, and that you wish to have your son returned to you

    at the least this will let the judge know that you arent exactly willing to let them adopt him,but get a lawyer

  2. What state are you in?  Some states have 10 days, unless fraud was committed, and some have a year.  Look up the words "(your state) +parental consent + days"  Also, depression is a medically treatable condition, that could affect judgement.  Try to work with your parents on this, as it would be in the best interest of the child for you all to be involved in his or her life (probably).   Know your rights, and know that legal aid could probably help you.  Also, get help from a doctor.  You can get help from the state, however, it is very limited on welfare, but the purpose of welfare is to help people like you with a TEMPORARY help to get on their feet.  Try to get a better education so you can raise your child, and most of all, if the adoption cannot be revoked, keep a journal of what you have been through, the ups and downs of your parents, and any prevention they have done to reunite you and your child.  Try to stay in good with them, as if you don't, you might not be able to see your child.  Once an adoption is final, it is too late.  Also, try to write a letter to their attorney, stating you have decided against the adoption, and had been under temporary depression at the time you signed the consent forms.  You now believe it is in the best interest for the child to be in your care.  Also know that even though the birth father signed the papers, if the adoption doesn't go through, he is still liable in most states for child support.  Good luck

  3. You need a Lawyer my step sister has been attempting to regain her three kids from my Father (I don't talk to him anymore) and step mother for over 6 years under exactly this type of situation...

  4. i dont know what to do, but you seem to really love your son

  5. yikes... your husband gave your kid to your parents to get back at you for cheating?

    although i don't agree with cheating, to put your kid in the middle is ridiculous. although i think your parents want to help, it's not their kid.  and unless you are abusive and neglectful (and committing adultery is not an indication of being a bad parent) they have no right to demand perm. custody of your child.

    you need to call an attorney, right away.

  6. Can you have a mature talk with your parents and tell them you are trying to get your life on the right path.  Ask them to give you 18 months if you have not gotten your life straight  or a good job then they can go forward with the adoption of your son.

  7. Call Legal Services or Legal Aid or contact your local Bar Association--they are all in the phone book --and make an appointment ASAP.  If you contact the Bar Association, ask if they have a volunteer lawyers group that gives free advice to the indigent.  All these agencies can help you free of charge.The longer you wait to stop this, the more impossible it may be.  Your parents can stay with temporary custody of your son until you are in a stable situation and can take him, but if they adopt him, you will have NO right as a parent EVER again.  They will be his legal parents forever and if they die, they can designate whomever they choose to be his guardian after that and it may or may not be you.  Why is the child's father not paying to support him?  Is money your only problem?  It doesn't have to be.  You can keep your son with you and the court can order his father to pay you child support.  You need to regain custody of your child.  You need a good family lawyer.  Do not sign any other papers without first having yoru own attorney look at them and advise you.  If you have signed papers agreeing to an adoption and they have already been filed in court, you need to immediately write a letter to the court stating that you withdraw your consent and object to the adoption and state why. Be sure to put the correct case number on the letter and make sure that it is filed in the court file.  That should not cost you anything.  Good luck. Sounds like your husband is a manipulating SOB who is trying to get out of his financial obligations as a father.

  8. You can go back to court and explain what your doing to better yourself, it's always a good idea to have proof. Your parents would still get temp. custody but you can have it added to the court papers that once you have finished school, have a job and a place of your own, that you want custody of the child returned to you. Basically it all rests in the judges hands. The best thing to do is get a lawyer and have them help you.

  9. You need a good lawyer.  You should be eligible for Legal Aid if you're in school and don't have much income. Just please, please, make sure that the lawyer you pick is very experienced in Adoption Law. I've seen several families screwed over because their lawyer didn't know enough about adoption laws.

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