
Can i store my Dominoes Pizza i can not finish mine?

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Can i store my Dominoes Pizza i can not finish mine?




  1. Yes lol shove it in the fridge it will be fine.

  2. i have louds off time just coved it put it in friege and i am ok , just microwave it the next day but no longer then 24 hours.

  3. i put mine in the fridge, its perfectly ok for the next 2 days

  4. yes you can.

  5. yes keep in fridge till u want to eat it then either eat it cold or reheat till piping hot

  6. yes, reheated (toaster oven) or even cold pizza is the best!

  7. Yeah stick it in a plastic bag or wrap it in tin foil in the fridge till you want to eat it again.

  8. Yes, that's what I do coz I never finish my pizzas. I store them in the fridge, but in the winter when its cold in the house I sometimes just leave it out. Then reheat in the oven for about 10 mins. Not too long coz it'll get dry and hard.

  9. U  can store it in the box and send it round to me I'll look after it for you!!!


  10. why can't you store it if you can't finish it?   just put it in the fridge and reheat in the toaster oven if you have one...microwave will work too but it will make the crust soggy

  11. sure you can

  12. Reheay in microwave for a minute or put it in the oven for 5 min but the temperture has to be 350 .

  13. Yes, place in icebox until ready to eat. Reheat in oven.....or eat cold

  14. just don't keep it too long!

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