
Can i straighten hair even if i dyed my hair with henna last week?

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well i died my hair with henna last week, and i want to straighten ,my hair with a flat iron. plz help (i will vote best answer)




  1. you can totally straighten your hair when you've henna'd however if you were looking to chemically straighten your hair they say that you should wait at least 2 weeks if using 100% henna (body henna/ body art) but if you use henna with something else in it then it isn't wise to do it before a month if at all.


  2. Hiya i use henna on my hair from lush and yes u can straighten it right after as he nah helps to seal and protect the hair it puts a glossy varnish on it

  3. i think u can do that

    cuz my mom uses henna, but she also straightens it too

  4. What henna ?

    Extend your question i shall come back i look .  

  5. ya its fine my cousin had it hennaed and she straightened it  days after

    looks ffine

  6. yeah i don't see why not. I dye my hair and straighten it right after.

  7. I straightened my hair the day I dyed my hair permanent, so I'd say its fine to start straightening your hair now. As long as you are using the correct heat temperature, and using protective spray/serums then you should be fine.  

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