
Can i straighten just 2 teeth without braces?

by Guest61936  |  earlier

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I am really concious of my teeth, i just want them to be perfect and on my bottom row of teeth the front 2 aren't straight, they both turned inwards and don't run straight with the rest of my teeth.

I really want them straight and i am going to the dentist soon, what can i ask them because i know they will probably tell me to ignore it because its only 2 teeth but i really want them straightened and i know they aren't bad enough to warrant braces.

I was thinking of Invisalign but can they make them for just a small part of my teeth?




  1. ...right...Uhm, I would have to say no. If you move two teeth, it affects your other teeth. And it probably wouldnt take that long with braces...

  2. you need to go to the dentist and find out you must get professional help.

  3. no they can't

  4. yeah with magic.

  5. porcelain veneers

    answer my question;...

  6. Well... they won't tell you to ignore it.  They are in the money making business.  If you aren't happy with the way it looks they can always refer you to an orthodontist and I'm sure they'll be happy to do that.  You'll have a consult with the orthodontist and they can tell you exactly what needs to be done.

  7. i don't think you can get 2 teeth straighten without braces but it might work.

  8. whack 'em with a hammer

  9. Hey,

    Invisalign is only used for slight cosmetic issues with teeth, so if your teeth are only slightly crooked, they would be a good choice, since they custom make the retains to fit your mouth, so they could keep the shape of the other teeth the same. The only problem is that those teeth need space to move into, and there isnt always enough space in the mouth for them, teeth move naturally into the most stable position, so the dentist may suggest an extraction of a back tooth to create space for the front teeth. I'm sure if you ask the dentist they can x-ray your mouth and give you their opinion and refer you to an orthodontist....I had two bad cavities on my bottom arch molars, as a result one had to come out...without braces my teeth would have caved in on each other (not moved into the space like i hoped and assumed) so now i have to have braces! the metal kind...and i'v just turned theres proof that theres no time like the present to get a problem sorted!!!

    Conclusion: Ask the dentist, they're likely to give u a much better answer than i can!!! Gd Luck ;)

  10. mayb. there is a tray that you get from the orthadontist and some people use it.  i dont remember what it is called but you should go to an orthadontist and ask about it.  but i dont no if it works 4 everyone

  11. I got exactly the same two teeth straightened last year but I had to wear braces.  Gosh if you knew the age of me you would laugh.  But they are perfect now but I must admit it still feels a bit strange.

  12. No!

  13. ask about a retainer

  14. Invisalign would be perfect for you but the cost may be quite high.

  15. pull them or get punched and it will arrange it

  16. YES!

    While your not busy and you have clean hands, massage your gums.

    It guides the teeth.

    I did this while I watched tv for 2 days and my family notcied how straight my teeth had gotten.

    Good luck and I hope it works for you, bud.


  17. you can get venears and they'll be straight  immediatetly, where they carve them down and put fake teeth in there place, it's waht all the celebrities do, it expesive, my frind had it done, was about a grand a tooth, she looks amazing now though. good luck.

  18. When I was a child, my two upper front teeth were crooked.  The dentist told me to take the handle of a metal spoon and use it to push on the back of my teeth for 30 minutes each day.  I never listened to him so I don't know if it would have actually worked but it's what he told me to do.

  19. Yes but it would hurt very bad

  20. i did once with straws from mc donalds.. gud thing is... its free

  21. yeah;....even though they are braces they are called invisiline so they straighten your teeth and remain invisible

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