
Can i substitute crisco for butter if i'm making sugar cookies?

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I want to make sugar cookies but i'm out of butter. can i use crisco instead?




  1. I always use Crisco instead of butter.  It makes a much softer cookie, that doesn't spread out as much.  You can even buy buttery Crisco, if you want a more buttery flavor

  2. crisco is always good for baking. butter makes the cookies crispier and crisco makes them softer.  

  3. You can but the taste and consistency will be off.  And the transfat in Crisco is even worse for you than the saturated fat in butter (I've banned Crisco i.e. shortening from my house). For a better tasting cookie and healthier heart take a quick trip to the store and get some butter.

  4. NO and this is a big NO, it changes the consistency of the dough and not to mention ALL shortening is hydrogenated fat! But you will be left with an oily dough and one that will be flakey and not a sugar cookie texture, think of it like this, baking is a direct science and needs to be exact when you sub an ingredient they have to be appropriate for the substitute and a big mistake is that oils such as shortening and margarine can sub for butter, well yes in cooking but NO in Baking

    Butter contains milk solids, oils and water where the margarine and shortening is all if you want a mealy texture and gross oily feel with NO taste, use shortening if you want a real cookie use real butter, trust me you will be much happier.......

  5. Yes!! Man your an idiut!

  6. I wouldn't - they will have an oily taste and the consistency will be compromised.

  7. sure you can, be sure to add a little more salt or they will taste flat.  also, they will spread out a little more.

  8. You can, but you may not!

  9. My mother uses Crisco all the time for her baking, so the answer is yes. Crisco also makes the best fried chicken - even if it's not super healthy. :)

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