
Can i sue everest college?

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i went to everest college i have applied to about 100 offices and have no response ! my computer teacher didnt even know how to use the computer . i graduated from everest and still dont know medisoft or any of the computer programs they supposedly teach . I finally got a interview from an office i had to through the phonebook. Although everest college is suppose help you get a job they dont ! they said they have close relationships with local employers and surprisingly they dont . im so mad plz help




  1. I graduated from medical assistant program. The teacher was so bad that she passed because she told us that if certain percentage student don't pass she will lose her job I didn't learn anything at all. She had her favorables. I applied to a lot job no job til today waste of time and money. I wish there was a way that I could give them the diploma to get my money back not worth going to this school worst school.

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