Hello, i am 16 years old, and last year in school i was in PE and we were playing baseball and i was on second base and for no god d**n reason, this girl just knee's me in my tailbone.
At the time i just expected it to be a temporary injury, but it's now months later and i still feel the pain if i'm not sitting down completely off of it . I can't even buy certain pairs of pants/shorts because it'll hurt my bottom. But as i was reading up on Tail bone injuries, they can last years or even a lifetime with no effective doctor treatment except for surgery in which they remove the tailbone with risk of paralyzing.
I do not want to take her/ her parents to court now as i don't want to have to go to the same school as her, and get the bad reputation and being embarrassed that i sued her, i want to keep my friends...
So would a judge understand it if i waited till i graduated?