
Can i sue my doctor for lying to me about medication?

by Guest64275  |  earlier

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my doctor gave me medication that both she and the pharmacist told me would be fine and have no effect on my pregnancy,however i think the medication may be causing me to miscarry...could i sue her for malpractice,or should i just switch doctors if this is in fact the issue...she has agreed to see me today on her day off which is nice and all but im still pretty upset.




  1. miscarriages are common.  unless there are known dangers to pregnant women with the drug, it is unlikely you will win any lawsuit

  2. You CAN do anything you want as long as you have money....should you....I doubt it if both the pharmacist and Dr. said there was not a problem so the question is will you prevail???  I doubt it.

  3. You can ask the pharmacist to give you a copy of the product circular that comes with the medicine. That has information about safety of taking the drug during pregnancy. Or you can go to a library that has a copy of the latest PDR, Physicians Desk Reference. It contains the same info as the product circular.

    Most docs and pharmacists are very careful what they prescribe to pregnant women. The cause of your threatened miscarriage may not be a result of the medication. But certainly you should check.  

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