
Can i sue my teacher?

by Guest31943  |  earlier

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ok, so earlier i put a homework question on yahoo answer, and this guy answered it.... it looked too legit to quit, so i had to be all over that on my homework... so i turn it in the next day, and then my teacher calls me up and tells me he needs to talk to me and we go out in the hall way.... he said he had seen that answer before because he posts on yahoo answers, he gave me an f for the entire 6-week period, he said if i try hard i'll get a 64(f+) but if i put no effort in i'll get a 0, basically, my grade in that class in worse shape than white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm.... anyone got any tips?




  1. No, you can’t sue your teacher because you didn’t do your own homework and they caught you.

    Thanks to cache, nothing ever really gets removed from the Internet.  Once you post it, it can be retrieved, even if you later delete it.

    Your grade in the class is worse now purely because your own actions and the consequences of them.  Accept it.  And in the future, do your own homework.

  2. Well, technically you didn't really do your own homework.  Copying information word-for-word from Yahoo Answers isnt the equivalent of doing your homework, especially if it's a Math Problem (I'd like to see someone disagree with that).  If it was a research homework, you could've at least put it in your own words.

    Do you really think you'll get away with suing a teacher for failing you for a homework you didn't do in the first place?

  3. for one you sound like a teacher tring to act like a student because no one talks like that AT ALL no one say to legit to quit not any more they dont.or the snow storm thing please dont ever try that again.and ok hey if your really a student then h**l yes you have the rite to sue his *** because first of all he needs to prove it period no way around that he must prove it and he cant so you can tell him he must change your grade if he does not then tell him your going to the office and make a report after that your going to the school distrect and then your calling a laywer to see what advice they can give you dont admit you cheated because its wrong and you are wrong for it but he cant prove it he should be giving you a warning its that simple you need to think what would happen if you didnt cheat and you got a F then do you think you would have the rite to do something

  4. Stop cheating!  

  5. ummm no.

    But i bet we kids would luv 2.

    Just listen 2 the teacher and you'll be fine.

    Maybe you should threaten him about something bad he did.

    Just spy on him.

    Good luck   :p

  6. That punishment is a little harsh for one homework assignment .... Go talk to a counselor or the principal at your school. But cheating is wrong and maybe you could just negotiate a failing grade for that assignment only.

  7. Is Tracey your teacher? Oh and also, if your teacher posts on yahoo answers, and he/she caught you cheating on it, why are you asking more questions concerning that on the same website? He/she probably is checking this thread right now lol.

  8. If I believed in Karma, you'd be up to your neck in it right now... 8-)

  9. hahaha!

    That was stupid wasn't it.

  10. you technically can't sue. but you might wanna try talking to him and telling him that you apologize and ask if there's anything you can do to help the situation..

    good luck!!

  11. uh. your teacher caught you man. just get over it, and DO THE WORK. why are you doing homework from yahoo answers? you should take advantage of all of this, learn from your mistake, and stop trying to find the easy way out of suing people for your mistakes.

    grow up, it's not going to get any easier after this.  

  12. i dont think you can sue him. set up a meeting with the teacher and the principle and your parents. if the teacher tries to say you cheated..then just simply ask him what hes posting answers on yahoo answers for...? then he cant say anything.

  13. "incredible".

  14. hmm I don't think he commited a leagal offence so I dout you'll be abel to sue him,however if you feel he is treating you unfairly(sound pritty unfair to me) then you should talk to your form teacher or write to the princable,tell your mom it'll help if you can get your familly to help you

    best of luck!

  15. Sue him for what?  You have not suffered any damages, have you?  You didn't do the work yourself and you got caught cheating.  Now, if you had used what the other person said and worked it out yourself, then you'd be OK.  

    Your best bet is if your school has a policy on cheating that says something different.  Like you get a 0 for the assignment.  Then you can take that to him and ask why he is not following the policy?  You could even take it to the department head or your counselor if he doesn't budge.  But maybe it says you automatically fail the marking period and you're done for.

    Now the person you should sue is your English teacher because your little witty phrases are terrible.


    It sounds like you are still in Primary school.

    Boy just wait till you get to High School  

  17. i highly doubt you could sue the teacher for that.

    unless you get some crazy *** lawyer who can twist it amazingly to look like a legit case.

    myb you could get the school bored to over write the teachers decision but man sue is pretty big over a grade.

  18. no. you were cheating and he might have the proof to show to the principal or the dean...

  19. well it's too bad your teacher saw that answer. maybe the f for the first project or question was ok but the rest were unfair. You can't sure him, because he didn't really take anything from you, but you can make an appeal with the school and school board. Look into that if you are really serious.

  20. Well this is a tough one.  First off, you are to do your homework yourself, but if you ask for help there should be no reason you should be penalized.  You did ask for help while you were at home, err go "Home - Work."  I can see the problem if all he did was give you the answer and you just wrote it down; but even then he can't just give you an F.  If he wrote the whole problem in its entirety and you wrote it down as it was he has no right to give you an F.  Second, I wouldn't believe his claim that he posts on yahoo answers, but what are you gonna do.  He can give you a zero for that answer but not for the entire homework.  It is not his problem how you obtain it.  At least your trying!!!  If in fact he does post answers on yahoo, I am fully convinced he gave you such a low grade because he is mad at himself and feels stupid for being such an idiot for posting one of the homework problems online.  I'm not sure what grade you're in but if I were you I would most definitely speak with my parents and tell them the situation and that you're so upset over it.  Tell them that you had been struggling for so long that you just could not get it, and that rather than giving up you consulted on yahoo answers to see if anyone could help you, that's all.  This guy is a jerk and is just stupid that someone beat him at his own game.  As far as legal procedures are involved, you're better off with your parents talking to him, trust me this will anger him even more.  You have everything on your side, HONEST, you might just not see it because he told you this in such a convincing manner that you believe that you did something wrong.  You didn't.  Best of luck.  


  22. i'm glad he gave you and technically cheated. you got with it..and grow up

  23. Sue him, its your grade, its your future.

  24. I doubt you can sue.. It could be considered plagiarism.

  25. Pssh no way he could even prove that you went on yahoo answers at that time and he was basing this on nothing.  
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