
Can i sue someone who slander me on my blog?

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Can i sue someone who slander me on my blog?




  1. It has to be a lie and to have caused you monetary damages to be able to sue for slander.

  2. What did they say?

  3. Yes, but slander is spoken, libel is print.

  4. can. i know a good lawyer. search yellow pages for aziz

  5. Not really! You put it out there for everyone to see. You open yourself to judgment!

  6. You can't sue for slander, but you possibly could sue for libel.

  7. Kindly differentiate between libel and slander. If the person has really malign u that is not truthfully said then u can sue. But always remember, the hassles are difficult and u have to prove to the court that what the person said, is a white lie. It best u demand an apology first and tell the person to put it in the straits time, then if he agrees, it will be your right to proceed to the next step of action

  8. free speech. article 22.1 of the penal code of Alabama County, Indiana, allows slanderous speech to encompass online, Internet, Intranet, networking sites within the First Amendment clause.

  9. If your blog allows comments, then legally you're responsible for people saying what they want. There are exceptions, though, such as threats and harassment.

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