
Can i sue the hospital?

by  |  earlier

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just a question but, can i sue the hospital for not giving me an epidural?

i just got another baby and when i was in labor i asked for an epidural and they didn't want to give me one, and kept telling me the anesthesiologist was all the way down stairs and they could not reach him right now! i was in excruciating pain because of the pitocin they gave me, the drug that speeds up labor and makes the labor pains 10 times more intense. not that im going to but im just curious if i could sue them?

btw... i think it was revenge because i cursed one of the midwife for treating me as if i was "just another pregnant person" lol!! she was really rude!




  1. Most likely not... Because of all the frivilous lawsuits it is very hard to sue inspite of what you see on tv.

    You can still get a free consult with a lawyer who could advise you better than here.

    Sometimes they don't give you one for medical reasons and they could always lie and say that.

    Many people do not have ethics anymore and will lie to cover their butts...

    I'm sorry you had to suffer!!  

  2. Any lawyer would tell you that that's a valid case. I think you're actually justified in this one. Good luck.

  3. "i just got another baby "Shucks

    ,And you experianced some unexpected discomfort.

    Sue?,,, Your still typing to tell about your horrible ordeal....

    Best focus on your new born,,,,

  4. No, they did what they thought would be best with the resources they had. Honestly, you wouldn't have much of a case.

  5. If the anesthesiologist was in surgery or tending to an emergency e.g. a cardiopulmonary arrest, you would not have a case.  

    You would have to prove negligence in their treatment of you.  Some pain meds can have ill effects on the baby.  You would have to prove that they did not exercise due diligence in attempting to relieve your pain and in protecting the baby.

  6. There's a point in labor when you can't be given epidural, so I suggest you don't sue them because that might be your case.

  7. UMMM I would say YES sue the you know what out of them.  I had to have an emergency C Section with my last child, they would not give me any pain medicine because I was already fully dialated which is understandable but they gave me an Epideral before they took me in to have the C Section.  

  8. Yes, but your reason for it is very illogical. You were not in a life or death situation, and I'm sure you WERE in a lot of pain but suing over that just doesn't seem very logical.


  10. yes, sue

  11. Are you going through postpartum ? I doubt that your lawsuit would be worthy of the courts time. Childbirth is no picnic. If it was SO necessary for the anestheliologist to be there, he would've been there. When you are in intense labor like that, it hurts. I went through it too. So have millions of other women.Hopefully you are happy with the outcome ! ( I know what you mean by intense pain. Those shots to induce you work TOO good. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I was exhausted.....and after all that, I had an emergency C-section.)

  12. an epidural has to be givin before major labor occurs, and no i don't think you can, well i'm sure u can try but i'm not sure what you'll get out of it besides the person fired and not able to be a nurse,  

  13. get over it. my mom delivered all 5 of us naturally... i dont think you could because you chose to go to that hospital they didn't make you go there.

  14. umm i dont think you can...

    but you can try

  15. UH.. shouldn't this be a little more personal? Dont.. its a freaking hospital.

  16. you could try, but hospitals usually have very good lawyers, so even if you won, you'd probably just have to use the money to pay your own lawyer.  

  17. Unless there was a medical reason to not give you the epidural...the excuse that the anesthesiologist was "downstairs and couldn't be reached" is bogus.  Every doctor and nurse is reachable on and off duty.  You could probably sue, but it's not exactly the definition of talk to an attorney

  18. My daughter in law gave birth on August 4th and due to health problems the baby died. Is your baby healthy if so spend the time your wasteing wanting to sue someone by spending it loving your baby. Childbirth wasn't meant to be pain free.

  19. YES YOU CAN! And do it! Do it as fast as you can. Hospitals need to get a reality check!

  20. Poor baby, the midwife treated you like "just another pregnant person"; well, guess what - that's exactly what you were.  You often have to arrange for an epidural before you go into the hospital and labor or they will not give you one, for legal reasons.  

    One of the problems in our society today is that at the least provocation people immediately think "can I sure".  Your priority SHOULD be your baby and not how you can make a buck off the hospital.  

  21. Personally I would only bother sueing them if my baby died at birth due to their medical negilence which would be VALID reason to sue them.

    I always thought a certain amount of pain at birth was just part of the process....

  22. you can sue anything you want. You can sue water.But if you sue a hospital you'll lose

  23. Probably not. It really depends on what type of contracts and paperwork you signed during admissions.

    It's over with now, so what's the use?

  24. Yes

  25. This is a question for a malpractice lawyer.

    I think that you'd have a poor case. You are ok and were not harmed. Because of that most attorneys would stay away from it.

  26. huh, i don't know .. but why would you wanna sue the hospital, they coo mann .. they are there to help you, save your life .. it ain't right if you gonna sue the hospital.

  27. If you want too.. but if I were you I would just talk to them first and say that it wasn't right and you should have an apology from the staff. It's up to you though.

  28. sue them. the hospitals only care about money b4 the patients. the medical industry is a multi million dollar industry. obviously they do not care for you only the money. the doctors are trained to always subscribe you something so they can boost their profits. sue them so we can get some of the money back they have stolen off of us please.  

  29. Yes, you can sue. That doesn't mean that you will win.

  30. Call around to different lawyers and see what they say. They will say they are not interested in your case. I guarantee it.

  31. nah, i don't think that you can sue, if you could, they would have had that anesthesiologist right away.

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