
Can i sue the night club?

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iv been suffering from extreme hearing damage for 8 days now. it happened in a nightclub in corfu. the music was ridicuously loud. im going to thhe doctors tomorrow and if the damage is as severe as i believe it to be can i sue that nightclub? is there laws for just how loud u can have the music in greece? im not one for ripping people off or taking advantage of the situation but my hearing is just so bad that i feel that if i am gonna have to live with this for the rest of my life then i should get something back. also i know that its illeagal over there to play music past 1am and this was about 3 or 4am. will tthat help my case?




  1. You could have left the club. Take responsibility of your own actions.

    Look,  I work around noise all day and I know instantly when it is too noisy for unprotected ears.  You should have known as well.  If you think we are tough wait until you go against an attorney that will be defending this case.

  2. Hey, if an old lady can sue McDonalds for her own stupidity for holding scalding hot coffee between her legs and burning herself---and then WIN millions,  I guess you could try to sue this club.... However, it would be just another one of those frivolous lawsuits brought on by people who, under their own power, subjected themselves to the thing that supposedly damaged them.   You had a choice to stay in the club or leave... it was your chose to stay and stay long enough to maybe cause injuries---but, you caused those alleged injuries to YOUR OWN EARS!!!!  Most people would have enough common sense to leave a place if the music was too loud that it hurt...  If people used one ounce of common sense rather then trying to make a buck off their own STUPIDITY,  maybe insurance costs for everyone ELSE wouldn'tt be so ridiculously high....  

  3. I don't know much about the legal system in Greece, but you would have a hard time making a case in an American court. The fact that you chose to be there by your own free will and could have avoided the excessively loud conditions might make you liable. Besides, judges don't like these sorts of "somebody owes my for my suffering" cases. Your only chance is if they settle quickly.

  4. Why would you sue them? You chose to go to the nightclub, and could have left anytime. Its not like you were forced up to the speaker, so in a way you did it to yourself...

    so no you will probably lose the case

  5. I'm not sure, but you can call a law firm and have a consultation with them. They can probably tell you if you have a case.

    Good luck. I really hope your hearing improves.

    Katie :)

  6. If you knew it was too loud, maybe you should have left. A case could be made with that mentality.  

  7. Umm if the music was that loud you should have left. Music that is loud enough to damage your hearing usually bothers you while you are listening to it. Like you said it was rediculously loud.

    So why would you stay in that situation? And playing past a certain time, well you were there at that time to enjoy it so your complaining now.

    People need to take responsiblilty for their own actions. Most nightclubs offer earplugs at the bar. My husband is in a band and we always wear earplugs to the shows.

    They say that motorcycles, lawn mowers, and chainsaws are all loud enough to damage your hearing if exposed too long. I'm not out suing the company that made my neighbor's lawnmower because he decided to mow his lawn for two hours. When something is too loud you do something about it.

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