
Can i switch classes on the first day of high school?where do i go.?

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Can i switch classes on the first day of high school?where do i go.?




  1. yes. if you have a guidance office at your school they will most likely be able to help. just realize that you're probably not the only one who wants to switch so it might take a couple days to make an appointment

  2. normally u have to wait a week and then if u want to switch classes you go to guidence and u tell them wat class u have now, the period and the class you want to switch in to

    thats how it works in my school

  3. It's up to your counselor. If you're really unhappy, tell him/her why you want to switch and what you want to switch to and they will see what they can do. Go to your counselor, or your teacher and let her know of your concerns.  

  4. You can. Go to the main office and ask if anyone can help you in changing your classes.

  5. yes you can, go to the guidance office and ask to speak with your guidance counselor, they will help you switch classes.

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