
Can i take 2 solphadiene plus before a filling??

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im going dentist soon for a filling, is it ok to take 2 solphadiene plus before i go? i will be having the numbing injection also.... and how long before treatment should i take them?





  1. If you mean to take them in anticipation of pain, there's no need. You won't feel pain with the injection (other than the needle, and painkillers won't mask that) either at the time or for a few hours afterwards.  When the injection starts to wear off you might want them then.  If however you'd prefer to take them anyway it'll do no harm.  As for how long, how long do they normally take to have an effect for you? We're all different.

  2. yes you can take painkillers, you will be okay, fillings arn`t that bad!!!!

  3. You can take pain killers before a filling and I certainly wouldn't recommend doing so, but you can.  Generally you should only take them when you're actually in pain.

    Remember that you can only take a certain number of pain killers a day- if anything I'd not waste them and perhaps leave them till after the anesthetic wears off from the fillings, IF you need them.

    Pain killers target nerve endings that are sending pain signals. If you don't have any pain signals going out, there's NO need for any form of pain killer, because it'll do nothing- if pain comes later, it wont mask the pain, especially considering it starts to wear off VERY quickly when there's nothing there for it to target.

    There wont be any pain with local anesthetic anyhow, because it numbs the nerves itself so there's really no need WHATSOEVER for pain relief until after there's no anesthetic (if needed- quite often it's not needed).

    Fillings are VERY simple procedures these days, and some dentists- depending on how deep the filling needs to be, wont even use local anesthetic, as simply- a filling (if no drilling requried) is just paste! A cement like paste which they shine a special light on for a few seconds) and presto! You bite on a tiny bit of black blotting paper and that's it! Sealed, and all good!

    If there's drilling involved, for a deeper filling, it's just vibration against the tooth- nothing actually hurts.

    Now, if you're nervous by ANY means I suggest you ask for Laughing gas! (Nitrous Oxide is the technical name for it). This will help relax you, and the numbing gel they give you just before the local anesthetic needle really helps, and you'll barley feel more than a simple prick.

    Honestly, I wouldn't bother with pain killers before hand. Don't become dependant on pain killers for 'Anxiety' or 'Fear of something hurting'. Only take them when you actually HAVE pain.

    That's what they're for.

    I certainly didnt' need anything after three fillings! Honestly, they don't hurt. After the anesthetic wears off- there's nothing open, nothing bleeding, no big hole- so really, there's no reason to fret over them! They're sealed, and perfect! You can even start to eat on them once the anesthetic has worn off.

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