
Can i take 3 ibuprofens?

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Im sick & i have menstrual cramps And 2 Doesnt seem to be working, i just Dont want to harm myself, Can i take 3?

Ps~ 120 punds, 13 yrs old, female




  1. If you are talking about the little brown 200mg tabs (that are most common), you should be okay if you only take 3 once in awhile. But generally if two don't work, than ibuprofen just isn't going to work for you. They do tend to be hard on the stomach, so take with food.

  2. 3 is too much, especially if you are 13.

  3. Anything over 400 mg, then you are talking prescription levels. You should consult your doctor about what's best for you at your age. He may have something more effective too.

  4. if you are 13 years old, I wouldnt take 3 ibuprofin. Ibuprofin can tear up your stomach and cause ulcers if you take to much for a long period of time. Try taking midol or something that is specifically made for cramps.

  5. Ibuprophen is mainly for pain caused by inflammation. It depends, but you dont want more than 1000 mg.

    You are in the alternative medicine section, so I will recommend some natural cures: valerian root, cramp bark, black cohosh. Most natural food stores have good combination tea mixes for just such problems. Trearting the pain wont really help the problem, and the problem is controlable to a point where your menstrual cycles wont debilitate you.

  6. yea, you'll be fine...... after the ibuprofen lay down and go to sleep..... you'll feel better in a day...... don't take 3 more for about 6 hours though...... and my girly resources tell me to tell you to take midol... works like a charm

  7. Are we talking Ibuprofen that's 800mg per tab or acetominophen that's 500mg per tab (which is what Extra Strength Tylenol is and is what I currently have in the house)?  If so, then no.  IMHO 2400mg of ibuprofen is just too much for a 120lb 13 year old.  

    Have you tried scullcap or vitex tinctures?  They work extremely well to stop cramping as do crampbark and squawvine.  Vitex is an extreme bitter, so drink one dropperful in 8oz of bottled/filtered water.  You will come to like the bitterness, because vitex is a hormonal regulator and you can feel it working.  It very noticeably and very quickly heals excess cramping.  The two weeks before your period, cut out red meat, eggs and high fat dairy (especially pizza with meats and that is a fat BOMB!!!)as well, sharply increase the amount of veggies and salad in your diet, and you will find the cramping situation gets much better.  

    We have a heating pad w/ magnets that can be put into the microwave (minus the magnet strip).  This helps me and my daughter very much as does cups of hot tea w/ honey (and milk, if you want it.)  When my daughter is having really bad cramps, I also give her a massage which seems to help greatly.

  8. I think you'd be better off resting. Put your feet up, put something warm over your tummy, listen to relaxing music and drink more water.

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