
Can i take AP tests in the summer?

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Im going to 10th grade this fall and im very smart, i want to take AP bio and AP spanish, is it possible for me to take these exams this summer before i go to 10th grade and still get the college credit?

Please help




  1. You want to take Adrian Peterson (AP) tests?

    Good luck because they are tough.

  2. Nope you cant im going to be a senior

    I have taken AP bio

    and taken the test

  3. Well.. sure you can but it will cost you 180 dollars...just wait and take it in school since the'yll pay them for you.

  4. Yeah, I'm sure you can.

    You have to sign up, but you're counselor will probably have the information for you.

  5. yeah you can! you can go to a university or institution that offers it and 'clep' out. of course you have to make a decent grade to get the hours but sounds like you can handle it! it costed me like 60-70 bucks to test out of spanish and i never had take it again!

    hope this helps!  

  6. I do not believe so. Frankly, you and I are in the same position, for I too, am taking AP Calculus AB and BC(I take two math classes a year) and AP Spanish and going into the 10th grade this fall(well, more like 2 weeks). You have to take the class itself, and then at the end of the class term(at my school, its at every end of the semester), you will take the exams to get the credit.

  7. You only take the exam after you have completed the course. But i am pretty sure you cant take them in the summer unless your school already has the option. Its alot of work for teachers to offer an AP exam, it also takes alot of supervision. Chances are, if they dont already offer the AP exam in the summer, your school isnt going to let you for just one student.

  8. Here's the thing that a lot of people are confused about: you do not have to take an AP class in order to take an AP test.  Is it recommended?  Absolutely.  But essentially, all an AP class is is a class offered by your high school that is intended to help you succeed on an AP test.  You are more than welcome to do an independent study and take the AP exam without taking a corresponding course in school.  And yes, your score would count just the same, and if your future college offers credit for, say, a 5 in AP Bio, then you'll get the credit.  It doesn't matter if you took an actual class or not.  

    That said, no, you cannot take those AP exams in the summer. Why?  Simply because no one can; the AP exams, unlike other College Board tests, are only offered in May.  The only exception to that rule is when something goes wrong with the May administration (for example, if they lost someone's test, that person would have to take it again in September or something like that).  However, what you can do is study for those tests now and throughout the school year, then take the tests in May.

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