
Can i take a 1 MONTH old puppy away from its mother?

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welll,my moms friend has 2 dogs.and they had 8 puppys.the puppys are about a month old now.and hes trying 2 get rid of them.well the parents are outside dogs that never come in.and so the puppys hav fleas.and my mom said i can hav 1.i wuz wondering can i take it away from its mother now.




  1. No.  Not until he's at least 8 weeks.  Ask your friend if it's possible to treat for fleas in the meantime since they carry diseases.

  2. No - The youngest it should leave it's mother is 8 weeks.  At 4 weeks, it's not fully weaned yet.

    Under the circumstances of them being outside and full of fleas, it's probably in the best interest of the pups to go to their new homes, but 4 weeks is WAY too young.

  3. 4 weeks is a little too early - wait at least until 6 weeks

    You should be feeding the puppies some dry dog food that has been moistened.

    The fleas won't hurt them - but feel free to bath them if you want to.

  4. No. They need at least 6 weeks with the mom to get the proper immunities  from the milk and to become socialized. Leave them until at least 6 weeks.

  5. they need to be 8 weeks old and and your mams friend needs to get the puppies flea problem treated. dont listen to the people who say they will be fine with fleas, they can kill them.  

  6. lol i would..if the dogs dont really care..and plus how r goanna take care of all those puppies..;)

    help em out take 1 and peace out=]

  7. 8 to weeks is best. If there are medical emergencies then you need to have the facilities to care for a helpless pup. Keeping it warm, rolling it, massaging it, bottle feeding every 2 - 4 hours. If the current owners are not taking proper care by allowing them to be outside without cover from rain,etc and not keeping them clean and free of parasites, I would try to get them out of there as soon as they can eat on their own.They would need constant care if you do so be prepared to take the place of its mother. If its a real bad situation, call animal control to come get all of them, including the mother.

  8. Depends if the puppies aren't nursing and they're not attached to their mother you can take them, but keep them in good condition and make sure they have naps.  

  9. No they are supposed to be with the mother until they are about 8 weeks old (2 months)

    if they are not taking care of the dogs report them...or at least let them know those dogs are not supposed to be in that condition

    you can take your pup and get it treated for fleas and dewormed

  10. No.  I'd say it's better off with it's mother.  What you CAN do, is take the pup to the vet.  You can have her dewormed, treated for fleas, and then return her to the litter.  Reinfestation is unlikely.  You can contact a local shelter, and see if you can't get them to treat her littermates for free, but mention you'll pay for your pups care.

    It's worth a shot.  But let her stay with her mother and mates.  Try to see if you can't get them all treated.

  11. I would say not yet.  The puppies need to be at least 6 weeks and 8 is even better.  I understand the concern for the puppies that have fleas, but it's not good for them to leave the mom too early either.

  12. noo wait untl its 8 weeks

  13. Convention states that puppies should leave the mother at 4-6 weeks, with 6 weeks being optimal.  They are weaned at 4 weeks and will survive, but they will need puppy food and to be kept very warm. They might cry a bit more if they are younger, so be prepared for that. Enjoy your new dog!

  14. No! It has to be at least 8 weeks old! Tell your mom's 'friend' that you won't take one until it is 8 weeks old. *Fleas* carry diseases. 1 month old is WAY to young!

  15. No. Because they still need there mom's milk for development.

    They can be weaned by 8 weeks.(2 months)

    U can get a puppy bottle and feed the puppy a formula similar to their's mom milk. If u want the puppy now.

  16. well that is something you for sure do not want to take on, a puppy that is too young to leave its mother and has fleas!! puppies have poor social skills and behavioral problems when taken from there mom too soon..let this man treat his puppies fleas and wait until they are 8 weeks and then take one

  17. No. It's still not even completely weaned onto solid food yet!

    The absolute minimum for taking a puppy away from it's mother and littermates is 8 weeks. Small-breed dogs should stay until 12 weeks.

    During this time, puppies are still learning social behaviors such as pack behavior, bite inhibition, etc.., and it makes for more well-adjusted dogs.

    Here is a link that overviews puppy development:


  18. NO, puppies MUST stay with their mother until they are 6 weeks (8 weeks is better). If you take a puppy now you will have to bottle feed it and that doesn't always compensate for the mother's milk. It is also time consuming because you have to bottle feed every few hous. If the puppies have fleas they need to be taken to a vet right away!! You CAN'T use the regular flee treatments because they are too young so take them to a vet. If they aren't treated they could die.

  19. Do not take him away from is mother just yet. The longer he is with her the better off he is, you can start introducing your puppy to regular food, it will go along great with his mother's care. NO FLEA TREATMENTS YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Over the counter stuff can kill pups, it says so on the label.

  20. The puppies are way too young to be taken away from their mother, they need their mothers milk until they are at least 6-7weeks old, if they get taken away from the mom too early they will not get all the nutrients that they need and they mothers milk to help build up their immune system, give them flea baths, fleas can kill puppies, they drink so much of their blood that they can become anemic which can cause them to get diseases easier, and also you should get them to the vet since they are outdoors there are chances that they could have other problems like heart worm (which can be fatal) and also worms, distemper etc.

  21. no thats way to young.. they have to be at 8 weeks

  22. I honestly couldn't understand you using ebonics, try again later i guess and use spell check.

  23. NO.  Puppies need to be with their mothers for at least 8 weeks to be sure they get social learning experiences she can provide.  It is also ILLEGAL in most states to seperate the mother from the pup before 8 weeks.

  24. No you cannot. Puppies need to be with their mother for 8 weeks.

  25. no its illigal to seperate them from the mother till they are 2 months old

    please tell your friend they are comiting a crime  

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