
Can i take a blood test today ?????? will it show the correct result ???!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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hey all there.... i had my periods on 12th july and i have a 30 - 34 days cycle and i ve ttc and i guess the day of my ovulation is 28th or 29th july.... so is it ok to take a blood test today... my husband is forcing me to take ?????




  1. Sure it's ok good luck

  2. take it and the results are right if they weren't what would be the poin of takin it

  3. if you are going to ask for a blood test i would leave it a few days more, as it wont show up yet  

  4. what is ttc. and yes you can unless this ttc keeps you from doing it? ask your doctor if you have one. doctors would know better. are you trying to see if you are pregnant. then yes it will give you an accurate result

  5. Uhmm.yea if u want 2!

  6. Nope your result will be negative if you only ovulated then.

    You can't have a blood test for 13 days after s*x.

    Reason being because implantation takes anywhere from 7-10 days and hcg doubles every few days so you need to wait 3 days so the result is correct.

    So testing now the egg and sperm if they met are on their way down to your uterus.

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