
Can i take a skateboard to an ariplane?

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i want to take a skateboard to an airplane becuase im going to LA California and im just a little woried that they might not let me take it.

PS: I also want to take a Helmet and some Pads in a handbag




  1. Yea, you can. I saw these kids do it. Actually, lots of was pretty strange. o.o

  2. Yo! Ive been in your shoes many of times. Usually the maximum of what you can take on the plane is two 50 pound suit cases a back pack and something to carry with you. I have always just attached my skate to my back pack. so put your pads and helmet in a backpack and carry your skate with you or strap it to you. you dont want the backpack to appear to be too bulky so leave home those pointless pads, i.e. wrist guards and elbow pads. good luck.  youll be good. have fun in CAli

  3. You can't take a skateboard to an airplane, you have to use the catwalk.

    Just put all the c**p in your luggage and pack your clothes around them.

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