
Can i take fresh bacon to Spain?

by  |  earlier

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It will be hermetically sealed.




  1. no! I think it has something to do with parasites or something, even if it is hermetically sealed. your best bet is to contact a customs office and the airlines.

  2. Unless you have an import licence, it is illegal.  Try smuggling it somewhere (my dad smuggles it over at the bottom of his golf bag!

  3. I took 2 large Virginia hams to Greece last year so I think you can take it with you.  I had one of those soft thermos bags with ice packets and they were fine.  But you do know they have bacon in Spain.........

  4. I wouldn't, (guessing from common sense). Also, the Spanish bacon is REALLY good, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything. Just make sure you have a dicctionary handy if you're going to the supermarket or market to buy it (You REALLY don't want to end up with bloodsausage if you can help it).

  5. It's illegal, but if you take it with you and you don't get randomly searched you'll be ok.

  6. no you can not. when traveling to europe you are not allowed to bring fresh fruit or meat(s)

  7. a few years ago we went on a self catering holiday to Spain so i decided to take some vacuum packed bacon and sausage with me. it was great because my son is a fussy eater and i cant always find things he likes on holiday.

    after i returned i found out that i should not have taken it with me due to restrictions in the law. the best way to find out is to contact your local travel agent and ask them. they will have all the information you need on this subject. the law is different in each country because where i couldn't take it in from the UK I'm sure you are able to take it from other countries. good luck hope you find what you need to know!

  8. yes u can take bacon with u.........we have just returned froma trip to spain and took all cooked meats in a cool bag....

    and where not questioned by the customs

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