
Can i take human ashes onto a airline flight

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i need to take ashes to scatered in scotland from england




  1. Yeah i don't see why not. Put it in your suitcase and it should be fine. Just make sure there is no way the box that the ashes are in could come undone! And the flight security from Scotland to England is fairly laxed so don't worry to much. You get caught? Just lay on the water works!

  2. my dad took his dad home from england to ireland in a lunch box in his carry on bag no prob. i'm sure it will be ok but why not ring and ask .

  3. I think you have to inform the airline and take any paper work you have

  4. i think so,if not,hide it in somthing,like...a plant!! ^.^ good luck!!!

  5. I believe so but better to check with the airline first.

    If you find out you cannot take them on board it is legal to post ashes. You could post them to your destination before you fly and then scatter them when you get there.

    Hope that helps and sympathies for your loved one.

  6. yes i think you can .....i have long as you have the paperwork with you  

  7. Yes, you can.  Just let the airline know you will be transporting human ashes, and they will tell you if there is anything specific you need to do.

  8. I don't know

  9. I'm sure that if you contact the airline and explain the situation it will be just fine

    Don't try to smuggle them on board as that would be a big mistake and could end up with the ashes being confiscated from you by some over eager security person who will tell you that they are only doing their job

    Good luck

  10. I don't see why not.

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