
Can i take legal actions?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to help a guy who just graduated and was from another State. So I let her borrow 3 books from the Library of my State. A kind and a nice guy , whatsoever!

but what happened, its more than 2 months, the library membership can been temporarily cancelled, a fine of $215 has been imposed, continuous warnings by mail are coming. And the guy , she has stopped receiving phone calls, blocked from facebook , no replies to emails.

I know i have to get the fine or the books somehow! thats why i am still polite and pleading! the only document to prove is she admitted about the books in her facebook reply and lied that her cousin had returned the books 2 weeks back.

Can i take any legal action against her? can i inform her College where she graduated from? mass mail her facebook contacts. its in the State of New York




  1. small claims court.

  2. Pay the fine and take her to small claims court -- although you will probably never collect.  Do not, under any circumstances mass mail her facebook contacts.  Do not contact her college except for the purpose of trying to locate her to notify her of the small claims suit.

  3. No.  

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