
Can i take my rat outside in october

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i want to take my rat or both rats outside to a halloween party in october. is this a bad idea? i really love them and don't want to hurt them. the party is just up the street and there is a house there so they could go inside. i might get them a carrier and then put a couple toys inside, a couple of socks filled with rice and warmed in the microwave and of course bring along some healthy treats. i think they will be around 12 weeks old in october. is that too young?




  1. Really depends on the weather. If it's chilly to you, it's cold to them, and they should be left at home.

    Definitely bring them in a carrier, if you do bring them along. They'll need a sense of security. Take both, as well.

    Can you trust everyone who will be attending the party, to be rat-friendly and not smoke around them, or attempt to give them any alcohol?

  2. Well, like Paintedrain said, it depends on the weather. If it's really cold, then no. If it's pretty warm, then I'd say yes.

    My only concern would be..what if they got away? How would you find them again? What if the people at the party don't like rats?

    Do you want to show your friends your rats? Why don't you just have them come to your house if the party is just up the street? If not, why do you want to take them anyway? For a scare factor, or just because you want to? Maybe you should rethink taking them, for the best interest of the rats.

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