
Can i take runner's insoles to air force basic and put them in my air force issue shoes?

by  |  earlier

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Can i take runner's insoles to air force basic and put them in my air force issue shoes?




  1. Yea, that would be fine.

  2. You could take them but chances are they'll just get locked up with the rest of your civilian gear when you get to basic. I know that Marine recruits get to take: the clothes they're wearing, a wallet, photo ID, social security card, $20 for food on the way to boot, their recruiter's card, & a sheet of paper with address to write home to.

  3. absolutely NOT.

    If they didnt issue it, you dont get to keep it. suck it up.

  4. I don't see why not. I'd bring them with you and see what they say.

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