
Can i take some one to court if i dont know their proper address, but know there wifes business address?

by  |  earlier

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Have an issuue with a trader who did work on my house but he has since moved & changed his phone number, can i send a court summons etc to his wifes business address?




  1. You can get your solicitor or the courts to track him down if you know his wife's address

    Or you could do some stalking of your own and follow her home one day and make a note of it

  2. edit your post with his first and last name and his last known postcode or area.

  3. You can send the summons anywhere, but it doesn't mean he will be legally served.  And you can't serve him in place of his wife.

    You can give the summons to a process server who might be able to find him.

    If the process server tries several attempts and can't locate him, then an affidavit can be filed asking for alternative service.  You can then post it on his home address.

    But you should be able to find his home address anyway.  Check local licenses and permits.  As a tradesman, he should be maintaining something, and it should have a current address.

  4. you can; but no way to guarantee they have been served. Need to hire a process server or have the sheriff do it.

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