
Can i take the roadtest to get my drivers license with a slightly damaged car?

by  |  earlier

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my car has a chip in the windshield the size of a penny and the cover for the signal-light is missing on one side, but the blinker still works. will i be allowed to take the roadtest with this car? it passed the inspection because it was inspected before these damages happened to the car. by the way, im getting my license in NJ




  1. Its a definite no, but a few questions. Is the chip in the windshield where the wiper blades clean, does the wiper go over the chip? If it does then it will not pass. A cover missing off the signal light, front cover or rear? What make of vehicle due to part cost and so we can figure out the proper answer to reply to.

  2. >> my car has a chip in the windshield the size of a penny and the cover for the signal-light is missing on one side, but the blinker still works.

    That is not slight damage.  No you would NOT pass inspection and it would not be considered safe.

    Good Luck...

  3. No, they more than likely will not let you. As soon as they see the chip in the windshield, they will tell you to get that fixed and re-inspected before you can take the test.

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