
Can i take to ap tests that occur on the same day and same time next year?

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want to take environmental science and retake chemistry

but they taken at the exact same time this year

i'm not sure about next year though




  1. VIsit this link for the 2009 AP exam schedule:

    As you can see, the two exams do occur at the same time next year. There is a late testing option that is available is available for students who have scheduling conflicts or for some reason cannot make the initial test date, but it is up to the individual school whether or not they are willing to administer the exam late. Speak with your AP coordinator to find out what your school's policies are.

    If you have any other questions, you can always call or email AP Services. They may also be able to locate other schools in the area that will give the exam late if your school will not.

  2. I don't know about the environmental science and chemistry, but maybe you can take one in June and in August, but I don't think you can take an ap test withou taking the class. but you can take two at a time, you just have to schedule for a retake.

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