
Can i teach English in china without a degree or other papers showing my experience?

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Can i teach English in china without a degree or other papers showing my experience?




  1. That really depends on which school hires you. There are some schools where just speaking English is sufficient, and there are others where you need a degree and experience. So the simple answer if "yes", but you need to find the school that will employ you.

  2. As AL suggests, there are programs that can accept you.  I'd stick with a reputable one though like or ciee, alot of the fly by night TEFL Companies cant get you the visa that you need to stay in China, and these days you cannot work on a F or L visa.

  3. there are programmes out there that take english speakers out to teach english in china without previous experience- some of my friends did it a year ago and had experiences there that changed their perspective on life and it was well worth their time.  my cousin taught english in japan for a few years and had no college training in it.

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