
Can i teach adults if i have a criminal record?

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i want to teach adults 'skills for life' but i don't know if the fact that i've been in prison will prevent me.




  1. You probably couldn't be hired by a school district, but there are programs through churches and community centers for which you might be qualified, assuming your criminal behavior was decades in the past and you can demonstrate that your own life skills have been appropriate.

  2. um, i don't think people will want a criminal teaching them how to earn or make money...

  3. I really don't know if you can teach after being sent to prison, but why not?? If you were going to teach you'd be setting an example, and all adults should push predujuce out of their minds, and if I was going to learn life skills I would learn from any point of view!

    Your employer should know that you can't keep someone from pursuing their dream because they were in prison. You could've been in the wrong place at the wrong time, maybe you were drunk- but then you would be getting honored by all trying to quit people and normal people- possibly you were like rosa parks who went to jail becasue she was entitled to her own opinion that present day people find correct and nobody is shaming her.

    If you really did something horrible I don't think you'd have acess to a computer or be wanting to teach skills for life class.

    I know I sound crazy, but that just comes with the spirit of one without any bad or unseaming thoughts in it.

  4. It probably depends on how long ago you were in prison and for what.  It also probably depends on what types of adults you want to teach, and in what setting.

  5. Privately, yes.  For a school, case by case they might let you, but it depends on what the record is and what the school will allow.

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