
Can i teach if i am dyslexic?

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I would really like to become a teacher, i have a degree in textile design which was difficult enough to get through but i dont know if i am allowed to teach others. I was hoping to become a dyslexia support teacher, to help other people with their educational needs. If i am would my application be considered depending on my own specific difficuties?




  1. I don`t see why not.  you know the signs and have the coping techniques to help others.  I`m mildly dyslexic, did remedial english lessons in Junior school and qualified as a teacher in 1994. You are right, it is hard work, and you will need to take longer to prep for lessons and check work through, but it is possible.  Good Luck

  2. Yes you can.  You are protected my law from being discriminated against due to your disability, and your experiences make you an excellent person to understand and help other dyslexics.

    Go for it!

  3. The employer cannot discriminate against you.

    If you have a disability, then they employer is legally bound not to discriminate against you.

    Apply for the job, if they say you can't teach due to your disability, its off to the Tribunal for them!

  4. Well, it depends on how severe it is. I guess you may not have a big problem if you have typed the question yourself!

  5. my dt teacher was dyslexic

  6. Yes you can and don`t let anyone tell you any different. Best of Luck with your teaching career.

  7. I am a dyslexic teacher at a sixth form college.

    If you have used "life skills" to cope and get over the problem, there should be no establishment that will refuse you as a teacher.

    When you do your teaching degree, the lecturers will be VERY supportive and help suggest other ways of coping and may even help you find a good school/college after graduation.

  8. I'm sure you can. I have a teacher that's dyslexic and he's a great teacher =]

  9. I don't know what kind of teacher you want to be ...

    primary school? secondary school?

    .... but you must have the "Diploma of Education" first ....

    You can teach in "special education section"

    A textile designer can teach the children "Art" or "Design" at school ....

    If you really like teaching and want to devote yourself into this career, I'm sure you will be a good teacher ... (like me)

  10. yes, i've been taught by people who are dyslexic.

  11. You are more then what your condition is.

    Only you can stop you.

    All you have to do is try, who knows this might just be the right career for you!

    How can one without your "condition" really be good at teaching those with it? They have no clue as to what you have been through or how people treat you.

    You have a lot to share with others but first you have to try.....

    It is better to try and maybe fail then never even try and grow old wondering if you should have.....

  12. Contact teacher training colleges and universities to discuss your options. They do not discriminate against dyslexia.

    Try the University of Winchester. Great track record for teacher training.

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