
Can i teach myself krav maga or karate?

by  |  earlier

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i have nearly finished my exams and i start on and extremely long summer holiday. And basically i want to know whether i would be able to teach myself to a reasonable standard of martials arts. I have lots of past experienced but i moved down to dorset and there isn't no decent schools. So i want to teach myself at home, and i wanted to know if this was possible. And if so, how would i start? Should i buy books or something. Please write on here because i really need to know. thanks in advance




  1. yes to a certain extent but best option seek out a good teacher :)***

  2. Let me ask can you learn Brain surgery from a book or video? This should answer your question. If you are very experienced it might be possible, but without feedback from a qualified instructor, you would be better off just working what you have already learned.

  3. Please, don't try and teach yourself at home.  All that will happen is you'll end up getting yourself into trouble if you every try and use what you've been reading about yourself.  Pay for the lessons.  Books are great for learning theory, but you need to practise with other people.  And please, don't have those other people be your friends after you've all just watched every Matrix movie

  4. You'd learn the theory.

    Without an instructor you could potentially learn the moves the wrong way, and do more harm than good.

    That's why people go to gyms and dojos to learn, if you could learn from books, everybody would be doing it.

    good luck!

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