
Can i tell you about my papa??

by  |  earlier

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papa was a rollin stone, where ever he laid is hat was his home. and when he died all he left us was alone.




  1. My papa may have too been a rolling stone... from the looks of the background check I ran on him yesterday.

    Never met him.

  2. You are not alone, i guess he is still inside he he didn't die, he just left you to see if you can stand all these responsibilities, but he didn't die. At least this is better than having such a dad treating you badly or he is dead while he is still alive , it will hurt more watching dead soul walking in a body!!

    Don't let him down, just don't be sad if you miss him so much and that is obvious, close your eyes and imagine a conversation between you and him, remember don't make this so much not to get mad, he loves you as well, he feels you now.

    Doesn't make you feel happy that by your soul and love with some photos and memories you can meet it, all these stuff are more stronger than death, god bless , and I'm not sure i typed in organized way, what was in my heart i just said it. Enjoy your life with family, friends, relatives and your sister or brothers you have, you have all of this so don't say that you are alone!!


  3. oh...fotterla!

  4. Was he an ITALIAN rolling stone though?  And did you spot him while strolling to a local cafe in Italy?  Because otherwise youre posting in the wrong place I think.

  5. oooooooooooook!

  6. I thought you're trying to advertise a restaurant named 'Papa'.


  7. wow.................impressive

  8. You don't say.

  9. hey thats cool , the first part not the second one!

  10. ?

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