
Can i test for pregnancy yet?

by  |  earlier

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My last period started the 14th of july and i am ttc. I should be due for it again around d friday or saturday but i believe i am preggers this time. Is it possible to test now and get an answer or should i just wait until next monday. Also can i already be experiencing early pregnancy signs? I have REALLY sore b*****s and today i got so tired before 12:00pm. Any information would be helpful thank you.




  1. Well the symptoms are there..but I would suggest you wait for a few more days before you test..I know how impatient you can get :)

    There are some tests available which do detect a few days earlier if you are preggo, however, the closer to the period you get , the more accurate they are..

    Moreover, there are times these tests detect positive very early on, and then negative later (chemical pregnancy - that happens quite frequently and goes undetected many a times)...Hence, since you are TTC, I would suggest you wait for some more time to pass and be really sure, albeit a little later , rather than to be happy first and god forbids, but disappointed later...

    All the best!

  2. I'd wait.

  3. Even if your b***s are sore and you're tired, it could still be period stuff if you are due this weekend.

  4. Ugh I'm in the same exact boat as you. I keep having to talk myself out of testing... I think you should wait until you missed your period.. I'll cross my fingers for you if you cross your for me! =)

  5. if your period due on friday you can take one now

  6. I think you could go ahead and test. I would buy a test that detects 5 days before missed period. If you can wait till Monday w/o stressing over it then wait. Sore b*****s and fatigue are both signs of pregnancy as well as your period. Good Luck hope you get your positive soon : )

  7. Hi there! Tt is much more common to get a false negative than to get a false positive. I would wait for a missed period. I have been TTC for about 6 months and we have spent so much money on these first response tests that claim to predict 4-5 days early, to be honest if your body does not have enough pregnancy hormones no test is going to tell you if you are preggo or not. I'm not saying the tests will not workm I'm just saying your body has to have the hCG hormone in order for the test to know!

    Waiting is the most stressful time of all, I know how it feels... but I would rather wait than to be disapointed sooner that AF comes.

    With that said, my suggestion is to wait. :-)

    I hope that helps a bit. I WISH THE BEST OF LUCK! I do hope you are preggo this month!

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