
Can i time travel if i rise my mind power with an extacy pill?

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is just that i hace heard that on: xtacys can somehow rise your mind power 2 if thats true then can i do travel thru time




  1. i don't believe in time travel. life is a series of experience. i doubt if you could actually go back in time. that means, you actually reversing you life to a point. i think that's insane

  2. First of all you're pretty ignorant for asking the question.

    Secondly you answer is no because no matter how you try to enhance the human brain it will never be able to travel through time by it's self using the current statistics of time traveling.

  3. No but you might feel like you traveled after you come down from it.

  4. You sure can; but you won't know what to do when you get there.

  5. I guess if you want to believe that brain damage, hallucinations, and delusions are raising your mind power, then sure.

    Could you also say hi to the easter bunny for me?

  6. The magical land you're likely to travel to with ecstasy is the land of permanent mental impairment. Hint: time travel is impossible, and hallucinogenic drugs don't change that fact.

  7. Not Ecstasy mate, they don't do anything just make you dumber.....LSD is what helps you time travel, you know...Acid, Trips, Blotters, etc.

  8. You'll probablly halllucinate is all........because your mind will have been drugged.

    Not only that, but you might time travel straight into h**l and never come back.

  9. You could end up traveling to the morgue.  Listen to your mom and quit the cigarettes, weed, etc and open those school books once in a while.  Don't forget to take the trash out and pick up your dirty clothes.

  10. I don't know of any evidence that Ecstasy raises mind power or anything else. However, let's explore the possible and remember that Einstein claimed that imagination was more important than knowledge (a shame that debunkers try to hold back science with the exact opposite attitude). OK, this is how it might be possible. You could raise your mind power (let's call it intelligence) so that you could acquire knowledge of engineering, physics, etc. Then you could solve the problem of designing a device (plane/spaceship) that could travel close to the speed of light (reaching the speed is not required to slow down the passage of time). You could then travel around the solar system (maybe even the galaxy) for a time and then return. Time would pass normally for you relative to you) but faster for those on Earth (relative to you) so you would return to the distant future.

    Thus, time travel to the future because you raised your intelligence.

    Despite what you might hear from some scientist on YA time travel is already possible (in theory) as described above. What holds us back is the technology that can't be designed from scientist that have too much knowledge and not enough imagination/creativity.

  11. Man what kind Question is that h**l no you cant man if you want to get your mind off things and relax make your body feel good

  12. No, you can't...The pill will make u imagine you're there, or wherever it is you want to be, but that's it

  13. Nope.  You might think you are if you cocktail it with anything else, but I wouldn't recommend it.

  14. 1.) Drugs do not raise the energy level of your mind.

    2.) If they did, who's to say you would be able to travel in time?

    3.) If you are so gullible and uneducated as to believe this is possible then you are neither emotionally nor intellectually mature enough to experiment with illegal substances.

    Now go do your homework.

  15. Sure, you won't remember what you did while you were on ecstasy so when you finally come out of it, voilla!! You traveled to the future!

  16. No; the only thing it will raise is your body temperature, possibly to dangerous, and sometimes fatal levels. There is no time travel: only people suffering from delusions that there is.

  17. Yes.  You take it, pass out, and 3 hours later you are 3 hours into the future.

    But your future self may be suffering from some side effects, so you should probably think twice before trying this one.

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