
Can i train as a boxer,i'm 31 years old?

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i'm in decent shape , but would like to get back into boxing, i'm wondering if i am too old to do this, i'm 5'8, 195 solid but i want to go down to 150-155 boxing weight ,right now i am bodybuilding , too much mass ,now i want to lose weight and cut it up.




  1. I dont think you'll be able to compete professionally, but you shouldnt have a problem cutting the weight. just do more cardio.

  2. Just start boxing again.Anyone can train at any age.50 year olds go along and spar.

    The main problem for amateur is I think the cut off is 34 for the big regulated competitions.

    However you can train and go pro after that anyway.

    The odds are against guys over 30 starting and winning a world title but anything is possible.

    Gunboat smith back in the early 1900's did not have a fight till his mid 20's and became a champ within a few short years. And that was when boxing had 10 times the numbers....

    Go for it, see what you can do.

  3. of course you can, I dont know about anything reallycompetative, but you can get into boxing shape no problem.

  4. I like young_masters' answer. But you should be the judge of your own limitations. A factor that most don't consider is: most people in contact sports start out young and have taken alot of punishment and injuries. I would suggest you see a physician before you even start training, but as far as how good you can be, its mainly up to you. It is your body and yours alone.

  5. Yes.

    However, I would strongly suggest consulting a qualified physician and taking a thorough physical before revisiting a lifestyle of rigorous training, impact, and possible injury.

    As a bodybuilder, you are aware that there are certain stages in a man's (and woman's) life that are key turning points to performance.  For example, in our youth, we can anticipate a growth spurt. Later, a second growth spurt. Eventually, we know our ribcage will stop expanding.  Knowledge bodybuilders know to predetermine how they will sculpt their bodies as they age.

    However, as one who enjoys contact sports, please remember that in our maturity, the body is not always as resilient.  Our metabolisms are different, and the efficiency of our cardiovascular system and endochrine systems are not the same.  Bone density may have changed, and unnoticeable damage to our joints and ligaments may surface if aggravated by rigorous, punishing impact training.

    Please be careful.  I admire your drive to return to athletic shape.  Just remember, that as we age, we must recognize changes in our bodies, and safeguard our new bodies from preventable harm.  Good luck in your training!

  6. you can train, sure.  I wouldn't bank on putting any belts around your waist though.  

    If you are a solid 195, you would be hard pressed to get to 150-155.  I would reckon that fighting between 170 and 175 would be ideal.

    I know there are quite a few club fighters that fight until they are 40.  Some (many) quit sooner, and there are a few (mostly law enforcement types) that continue to box well past their 40th.

    You can do it, just don't kid yourself into thinking you are going to win a title.

  7. muhammad Ali had his last fight at about 42

    so yeah get in shape and rip it up in da ring

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