
Can i transfer colleges within one year?

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I'm in my fall of freshman year at a university right now. I would really like to go to the university of georgia but i need 30 hours to transfer. so i was wondering if i completed 30 hours that transferred over in one year and summer school could i transfer or do they perfer more than 30 hours?




  1. Im sure you can, but I wouldnt recommand it.  

  2. you need to have taken a certain number of hours at the school from which plan to graduate.  they want to assure their income base and academic integrity.  contact them and find out what their requirements are.

  3. Well, they do prefer more than 30 hrs. Most transfer students transfer after 2-3 years (because they have finished all the transfer requirements)

    There is a minimal chance that you can transfer within one year, but the chances are very slim. If you are trying to transfer in one year from another 4 year university, well, the chances are even slimmer. There universities like UGA only take a few university transfers. They mostly take community college transfers.  

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